Vet Nursing Placement
Natasha Falkner, Veterinary Nursing student at UCOL, completed her study and came out with approximately 320 hours of placements learning & experience.
Natasha Falkner, Balmoral Vet Services
Natasha applied for roles at Massey University’s Vet Clinic (along with 4 other UCOL students, who also gained employment) and then was accepted to spend two years there with the surgical team. She was also encouraged to help in the community if she was able – to which she volunteered for 3 years at the SPCA on the weekend.
Just recently, Natasha moved to Auckland to work with Balmoral Vet Services’ three clinics and is loving every minute of vet nursing!
She found her placements incredibly valuable and commented on how the ability to learn on the job as a junior made a large difference to her knowledge. “I understand better when I get to apply what I have been shown in the classroom,” Says Natasha.
“I went on Vet Nursing placements all over the country. Bulls, Hastings, Wellington and Pahiatua. We needed to look outside the Palmerston North district, so those students who had commitments like family and jobs locally could use local vets for their placements. It worked really well in my favour because when I was looking for employment it was great to be able to show the variety of work I could do and the places I had been,” Says Natasha.
The vet industry supports the training of these students through their businesses and their commitment to helping students make a difference in the community is greatly appreciated.