Nodero Limited Internship

As part of the Bachelor of Information & Communications Technology, Christopher had the chance to work with Nodero Limited for his third year internship.


Nodero is a local specialist software company, focused on web development, mobile applications, Microsoft Dynamics, and SharePoint.

Christopher’s main project was to make improvements to LayerTwo, a system created by Nodero that allows users to manage the content and structure of Nodero-developed mobile apps. This system is currently the backbone of several mobile applications used by MidCentral Health.

“Throughout my time on this project, I spent two days a week in the Nodero office working closely with my project supervisor and other team members,” says Christopher.

The project was a great success, allowing Christopher to put the knowledge he has learnt at UCOL into a practical learning experience. “This has been an amazing experience and a great stepping stone to my future as a software developer. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time with the Nodero team and have really felt like a valued team member.”


Yorb Intern, Jackie Roberts


Whanganui High School Internship