National Woodskills Competition
Since 2004, UCOL’s Diploma in Fine Furniture students has had a strong connection with Kawerau Woodfest. In their second year of study, these students take all of their creative ideas and skills and craft a piece of furniture of their own design. They then have the opportunity to enter this piece into the National Woodskills Competition.
Furniture lecturers Rowan Dicks and Andy Halewood.
Furniture Lecturer Rowan Dicks believes that one of the keys to the students’ ongoing success at Kawerau is that they really unlock their passion in the second year of the Diploma.
“It gives them something else to work towards as well as their qualification.”
Kawerau Woodfest is a large event and attracts approximately 12,000 people over the week. For students, it’s an opportunity to see what other furniture designers are doing around the country and gain confidence in their own skills.